Säg adjö till papperskvitton: Ny lag om digital lagring av bokföringsinformation
Som ett sätt att modernisera och förenkla redovisningsprocesserna för företag har riksdagen 22 maj beslutat om en ny lag. Det kommer att underlätta hur företag måste hantera sin redovisningsinformation. Lagändringen möjliggör att helt övergå till digitala lagringsmetoder.
Lagen i ett nötskal
Lagen innebär att man från 1 juli 2024 avskaffar det obligatoriska kravet på lagring av pappersbaserade redovisningsuppgifter. I stället kommer företag att tillåtas lagra kvitton och fakturor digitalt. Det innebär att man kan slänga kvittot så fort man har fotat det. Det här beräknas spara svenska företag totalt cirka 350 miljoner kronor årligen.
Konsekvenser för företag
Dagens lagkrav innebär en hel del manuellt arbete för företag. Med den nya lagen behöver företagen inte administrera och lagra stora mängder kvitton och fakturor i flera år. I stället kan man digitalisera sina kvitton vilket underlättar åtkomst och hantering av finansiella data.
Säkerhet vid digital arkivering
Modern utläggshantering
Genom att införa en helt digital utläggsprocess når man ett stort antal effektiviseringsvinster. Moderna lösningar för utläggshantering som bygger på AI erbjuder bl a funktioner som optisk teckenigenkänning (OCR), automatiserad kvittoregistrering och kategorisering. Det sparar tid, underlättar spårbarhet och eliminerar fel som orsakas av mänskliga faktorn.
Den nya lagen att avskaffa kravet på att bevara papperskvitton är ett viktigt steg mot att modernisera företagens affärsprocesser och ta bort krångliga regler. Genom att utnyttja Mobilexpense lösningar för digital kvittohantering kan man effektivisera sina utläggsprocesser, förbättra datasäkerheten och dra full nytta av fördelarna med en helt digital utläggsprocess.
Manage all business credit cards online and in real-time
Instantly issue or block business credit cards, manage lost cards, pin codes and more from our online application’s central dashboard. Manage spend and employee cards from one application. And you won't ever have to set foot in a bank.
Automated policy enforcement ensures that expenses are compliant. Combined with a real-time view on expenses, overspending becomes nearly impossible.

These customers use our CO2 emissions tracking tool
Understanding the Dutch Government's CO2 Reporting Requirements
In response to the growing concerns about climate change and the Netherlands' commitment to reducing CO2 emissions, the Dutch government introduced new legislation to monitor and manage the environmental impact of work-related travel. This legislation, known as the "Rapportageverplichting werkgebonden personenmobiliteit (WPM)", mandates organisations with a workforce of 100 or more to provide detailed reports on the CO2 emissions resulting from their employees' business and commuting travels.
Starting from 1 January 2024, if your organisation falls into this category, you'll be required to maintain a record of the CO2 emissions from both business trips and daily commutes of your employees. This data will play a crucial role in the country's efforts to understand and reduce the carbon footprint of work-related travels, which currently account for a significant portion of the total kilometers driven in the Netherlands. The deadline for submitting the required data for the year 2024 is set for 30 June 2025.
This move by the government not only emphasizes the importance of environmental responsibility but also underscores the role employers play in promoting sustainable travel options and practices.
For a comprehensive understanding of these requirements and to ensure your organization remains compliant, the official RVO website offers detailed insights.
Join the movement of CO2 emissions tracking
CO2 emissions tracking is at the forefront of sustainable business practices. Find out more about what emissions tracking is, why it's necessary, the tools you can use for it and the benefits for your company - and the planet.
Customers using our company cards

"Mobilexpense is a real game-changer for us."
Our Mobilexpense solution is a real game-changer for us. With the convenience of self-issued credit cards for employees and seamless integration of claims data for administration, we not only save valuable time but also have complete control over our expenses. Efficiency and convenience come together in this super service. For our international projects, we now even give temporary cards to freelancers with a set expiry date. For office workers, a virtual card. Super convenient.
"[We] have reduced the time needed to manage expenses by 50%."
The integration of credit cards with the expense application has reduced the amount of lost receipts, accelerated the expense claims and contributes to a general smoothening of our expense management. It was easily deployed and accepted by the people and has reduced the time needed to manage expenses by 50%.

"It's a win-win for efficiency and trust!"
The new Mobilexpense cards provide complete card management for us at Ovotrack, making it super easy to order and distribute new cards, but also to set limits to transactions or monthly spend, and have real-time insight in all transactions. Our employees value their independence and the ability to manage their spending in real-time using either a plastic or virtual card, directly linked to their mobile app. It's a win-win for efficiency and trust!
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