What's new March 2024: Declaree by Mobilexpense


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💻 OCR on web - VAT and country pre-fill

As part of our continuous improvements to the OCR function, we've expanded our capabilities to include automatic population of country and VAT information. This is in addition to the existing pre-filled expense amount, currency, date, and merchant details. We're here to make users' life easier by saving time and reporting expenses accurately!

Note: The VAT is pre-filled only if the OCR finds a VAT rate that matches the organisation’s configuration OR matches the country-specific VAT rates (if the VAT is defined per country).

OCR scans VAT

Example of OCR populating VAT information

🔄 Personio sub-companies

Organisations using Personio integration can now decide to sync only one or several “sub-companies” from their Personio account with Declaree.

This means having the flexibility and control to include only employee data that are relevant, hence, a tailored experience that meets your specific needs!



Sub-companies selection in Personio connection page

👤 Name hidden when impersonating and rejecting

Many of our customers are impersonating generic Declaree accounts for final approval. In these cases, both name of the general account and name of the impersonator were displayed in the reports history. 

We’ve heard your feedback and now decided to hide the name in these cases to protect the identity of the impersonator. Impersonators can now sleep at night without worrying about colleagues coming after them!

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Mileage features

⚠️ Most of the mileage features detailed below are available on web only. They will be implemented soon in the new mobile app.

💼 WPM reporting

We want to help our NL customers stay ahead of the curve, and comply with the obligation to report information about Work related Personal Mobility (WPM), that will be applicable from 1 July 2024.

Therefore, we developed a feature for:

  • Admins:
    • to upload and manage vehicle categories
    • to download a report with relevant information
  • Users to select vehicle categories when creating/editing a mileage.

⚠️ Available only on web for the moment. Implementation for the new mobile app is around the corner!

📊 WPM mileage template

Referring to the Work related Personal Mobility (WPM) feature above, we improved that feature by adding a WPM mileage template:

  • WPM vehicle categories are created and enabled in 1 click
  • WPM template is about vehicle categories only, mileage rates are not impacted
  • Admins can chose what expense category contains the public transport expenses (that need to be reported in amount and not in distance).
    • Context: We provide the flexibility for organisations to define their own list of expense categories. This means that there is no standard list of categories! Therefore, we will also not know for every organisation, which expenses are for public transport. Hence, admins will have to indicate which expense category corresponds to 'Public transport' expenses for the accuracy of the WPM reporting.

When this template is enabled, Declaree will take the lead in maintaining the vehicle categories to remain compliant. This means we handle the details, so our customers can stay focused on driving their organisation forward.

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WPM template selection and expense category mapping for public transport

⚠️ Available only on web for the moment. Implementation for the new mobile app is around the corner!

💂 UK mileage

To comply with UK mileage rules, we developed a template for UK mileage:

  • Following UK mileage rates, we have now "threshold mileage rates" available.
  • Admins can:
    • easily set up mileage rates and vehicle categories by just enabling a template.
    • set the fiscal year of their company in the system (important to define the yearly thresholds for mileage rates).
  • Users can easily select a mileage rate/vehicle category when creating/editing a mileage.

⚠️ Available only on web for the moment. Implementation for the new mobile app is around the corner!

🚗 Vehicle categories and vehicle dimensions

We know it is not always one size fits all, so for organisations with complex requirements for mileage (= companies that don’t use mileage templates), we got you covered with new dimensions on top of mileage rates: vehicle categories and vehicle.

With these dimensions, organisations can create their own mileage setup to cater to their unique needs, which is often much more complicated than our country mileage templates.


  • Can be assigned to one, several or all users
  • Has to be linked to one vehicle category
  • Can be created one by one or uploaded in batch (similar to user creation)
Vehicle category

  • Can be linked to one, several or all mileage rates
  • Can be created one by one or uploaded in batch (similar to user creation)

When these custom mileage setups are implemented, organisations are responsible for the maintenance of their mileage rates, vehicle categories and vehicles. Declaree doesn’t maintain any compliance in these setups.

new vehicle dimen

Vehicle dimension in Settings

⚠️ Available only on web for the moment. Implementation for the new mobile app is around the corner!

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Product improvements

🌟 Refreshed UI

We’ve revamped the look on web and mobile to make navigation simpler, enjoyable and accessible for all users. On the web, users can enjoy updated colours, logo and fonts.

On the new mobile app, you can expect a default UI if your organisation has no customisation. If your organisation would like to customise the logo and colours, reach out to your Mobilexpense point of contact today for the add on!

refreshed ui

Refreshed UI on the web

new mobile view

Refreshed UI on mobile reflecting default design or customer branding.

📄 Pre-filtered lists of expense and reports

To improve performances and to help users to focus on what matters, by default, we only display:
  • In list of expenses: unreported expenses (expenses not included in a report)
  • In list of reports: reports that are not closed

By spotlighting the essentials, we want to empower users to navigate expenses and reports with ease and efficiency. In case users want to back track, the possibility to display all the expenses and reports exists simply by updating the filter.

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Pre-filtered list of reports

💳 View of pending approval Mobilexpense cards

When a Mobilexpense card is requested by a user, this specific view is now implemented. It helps the user know that their request is taken into account and that their card is pending approval. 

This feature is designed to provide users with clarity and assurance, which is a step towards enhancing their overall experience. Are you interested in cards for your organisation? Reach out to your Mobilexpense point of contact today for a personalised assistance!

cards new borders

Requested card view

💪 HiBob improvements

We made 2 improvements to the HiBob integration:

  • Disabled sticky users remains disabled in Declaree even if active in HiBob.
    • This allows to limit the number of users synced with Declaree if customer doesn’t want to sync all its employees.
  • User status in HiBob is now reflected in Declaree.
    • Whether an employee is active, inactive, or undergoing changes in their status within HiBob, Declaree mirrors these updates. This synchronisation eliminates discrepancies, so admins can be sure of having accurate and up-to-date employee profiles!

With these improvements, managing your employee data is easier than ever, giving you greater control and efficiency between your HR processes and expense management.


Shape Declaree's future by participating in our user research studies.
Directly influence the evolution of Declaree!

If you think the information below sounds like you, fill in this form today.

1 Objective

We want to understand how business-related invoices are paid and processed outside of Declaree (i.e., business payments that are not linked to any individual employee).

For example, payments to suppliers, building rents, electricity bills, software licenses, etc.
We aim to uncover what aspects users appreciate and find challenging in their existing workflows.

2 Who participates?

Anyone who is actively involved in paying business invoices in an SME and can converse comfortably in English.

3 Why?

Your insights and feedback will help us identify if and where Declaree can make meaningful contributions to streamline and improve your invoice payment process.

4 Practicalities

  • Duration: The research session takes about 45 minutes.
  • Format: Interviews will be conducted and recorded via Microsoft Teams.
  • Compensation: 50 Euro Amazon gift voucher.